Ask your horse health questions + the answer to a SPIDER question!

In this video, SmartPaker Dan and Dr. Lydia Gray, SmartPak Staff Veterinarian and Medical Director, let you know that it’s time to ask your horse health questions for our December episode of Ask the Vet. Then, Dr. Gray answers a viewer question about spiders!

When you’re done watching the video and laughing at Dr. Gray’s joke, make sure to ask your horse health questions on this video or anywhere on social media with #AsktheVetVideo. If your question gets answered in our next episode, you win a SmartPak Gift Card! Check out our blog post for more details. We’ll be accepting questions for our December 2019 video until November 1. Then we’ll let you vote on our YouTube, Twitter, and here on our blog for the questions that you want answered!

Good luck, and have a great ride!